Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your service area?

Our mobile team makes detailing visits anywhere in the San Diego & East County area. Book a car, truck or suv detailing online or call- text us today and we’ll take expert care of your auto detailing needs.

How do I book a car, truck or suv detailing?

Select the service you want and click the Book Online button. Instantly obtain personalized pricing, schedule an appointment, and receive a confirmation, all In 60 seconds. Use your smartphone, computer, or tablet. We suggest bookmarking our home page. Or call-text us at 619-356-8870.

Do I need to supply the cleaning products?

We come equipped with everything we need to make your vehicle(s), sparkle like new. Use our Live Pricing & Real-Time Booking Pages to book online and leave the rest to us.

How can I pay you?

We accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover through our secure Live Pricing & Real-Time Booking Pages. Book online or call- text us. We also accept cash or venmo  at the time of service.

How do I re-schedule or cancel a booking?

Rescheduling or cancelling is one click away. Our text and email service reminders may include a Reschedule and/or Cancel button which allows you to instantly reschedule or cancel your booking. Or simply call- text us at 619-356-8870 and we’ll work out a Plan B.

 $75 cancellation fee will be charged if not cancelled within 24 hours of appointment time.

What happens if it’s raining on the day of my booking?

We monitor the weather forecast on an ongoing basis. If it looks like we won’t be able to keep your booking due to weather, we’ll contact you the prior day to set up a new visit.

What if I’m not happy with the work you do for me?

Our reputation is our most valuable asset, so we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. So we don’t leave until your satisfied!

I’ve never had my vehicle(s) detailed—why should I have it done?

More than a pleasurable possession, a car, truck or suv is a valuable investment. Keeping yours in top shape with professional detailing keeps it looking its best and protects its value.

When should I get my car detailed?

We recommend you to have your car detailed twice a year.

Do you come to our home or office?

Yes. we come to your home, office or even the gym. All you have to do is book online, Simply enter the location of your vehicle(s) and we come to your preferred location. When you book online, you’ll tell us where you’d like us to arrive. Just make sure there’s space around your car, truck or suv  so we can make it shine.